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Honestly, this is absolutely amazing for three days. The artstyle, VFX style, UI Design and Sounds fit perfectly together and you clearly all had the same vision.  I desperately want to see more of this universe and it would be amazing if you add features like earning money and upgrading stuff.  This game is also nit just silly, it has depth behind it and thats a big part of the immersion. Enormous potential.

Sehr sweetes game, hatte ein wenig mit den richtigen maßen zu kämpfen aber irgendwann hab ich's gecheckt. nice!

(1 edit)

The surreal style and unique interpretation of the theme make this entry stand out a lot. Do you mind if i use the tailer for a jam video intro showcase?

of course, suit yourself :)

will you repost the video here?

Of course! i will share the link the link when its done and thank you

Loved the art style! Reminded me of Papers Please



Really cool concept! It was really funny

thanks, we are glad to hear that!


I love the Paper's Please vibes! Very nice with a lot of cool art and a neat sizing mechanic!

thank you very much


Love the art! this made me laugh

thank you so much!


Nice polish :) Unique style - very cool

thanks! :)


this is sooo fun :D i love the take on beauty standards !! 

thank you <3


wish I could visit it irl D:

this is so me


me when I see this game:


their teeth really bring out their beautiful eyes 


this is what a satisfied customer looks like